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1) This Simple 3-Step Medicare Guide

  • When do you need to enroll in Medicare?
  • Avoid penalties that could last for the rest of your life.
  • Already enrolled? Could you save money with a different plan?
  • Do you need Medigap coverage (or is it a waste of money)?

“…a shockingly simple flowchart to help you choose a Medicare plan.”

Medicare parts and plans are downright confusing. Medicare Plans many times are confused with Medicare supplement plans because they use letters. There are parts A, B, C, D in Medicare. Medicare supplement plans also use Plan A, B, C, D as well and continue with F, G, K, L, M and N as well. Part C in Medicare is very different from plan C in Medicare supplement.

Please read the article because you don’t know what you don’t know. Increase your Medicare knowledge and ask questions. Seeking advice by calling or emailing us gives you an opportunity to understand all your options by getting answers to your questions.


2) The Retirement Income Teeter-Totter

  • The 3 fundamentals to helping you create steady income.
  • 26 questions to help you sustain your standard of living
  • How to approach the critical “transitioning” phase.

When the stock market becomes wobbly and unpredictable, current and future retirees start to ask themselves: “will my income in retirement be reliable?” If you worry about your retirement income changing with the ups and downs of the market, you must ask yourself some critical questions before it’s too late. Or are you just not confident about whether you’ll be able to turn assets into income in your later years? You’re not alone. 

We can help you discover ways to balance chaotic market. We can help you discover your next steps and take you from concern about cash flow to clarity. Your action plan starts with a free, no-obligation Steady Income Session. Read the 26 questions especially if you’re in the 5-10 years before or after retirement.  

The problem is, most people don’t even think to ask themselves these crucial questions. Until one day they receive a bank statement and their income wasn’t what they expected. The panic sets in and they start scrambling to figure out what they’ll do. Only then do they think to ask, “how can I make sure this doesn’t happen again?” or “how can I recover from this?”

Let’s begin answering those very questions. After reading the material, contact us to set up a FREE Steady Income Session or just to get some answers about retirement income and how to create a steady cash flow.


3) Retiring in Uncertain Times? The “Dos” and “Don’ts” to Help Safeguard Your Future

This free guide will only take you about 7 minutes to read, and you’ll also learn:

  • 3 easy steps to help protect your well-being, cash flow, and investments.
  • 2 very common mistakes to avoid at all costs.
  • The first step to create a clear path amid the “fog” of uncertainty.

If you’re questioning whether your retirement plan is on track to perform amid historic levels of uncertainty, you definitely want to read this.

Some Highlights:

3 “DO’S”

  • Do #1 – Focus on what you can control.
  • Do#2 – Protect your retirement cash flow.
  • Do#3 – Revisit your investments.

2 “DON’T’S”

  • Don’t #1 – Give in to fear.
  • Don’t #2 – Put off critical decisions.

“We’re facing historic levels of uncertainty, which can be frightening when it comes to your retirement. Especially if you’re within the “fragile decade” — the 10 years before or after retirement. Because the decisions you make (or fail to make) right now can determine the fate of your future.

The coronavirus, bear market, recession, and inflation have put many people’s retirement dreams in the “fog.” Which begs the question, “is your future safeguarded against inevitable uncertainty?”

Start defusing potential disaster by getting answers to your questions after you read the material.  Call or email us to get your specific questions answered.


4) Truth About Aging

If you’ve ever had to watch a loved one lose their capacity for living independently, you know how difficult it is for the whole family. Becoming impaired often starts with unexpected challenges, like the inability to stand up after using the bathroom or to simply get out of bed. Over time, it gets worse.

All too often, struggles with the normal activities of daily living are accompanied by the loss of dignity and rapid depletion of savings. You need assistance but might not want members of your family to handle more delicate tasks.

Here’s the hard truth: hiring help for your “long-term care” is not covered by Medicare, nor by most employer or retiree health plans.

Help does not come cheap, especially when it’s all out-of-pocket. Many folks prefer to stay in their familiar home for as long as possible. Whether you’re cared for at a facility or at home, the expenses add up.

It’s expected that about one in four people who are now age 65 will face $50,000 or more in long-term care costs that are not covered by a health care plan.

Questions you might be asking yourself include:

  • Am I likely to have the same loss of self-sufficiency as my loved one?
  • How can I protect my ability to live independently for as long as possible?
  • Who will help me with sensitive tasks like dressing myself, bathing, or even using the bathroom?
  • What arrangements can I make now to safeguard my dignity and my legacy?
  • What hidden “independence costs” could drain my entire savings suddenly and all at once?
  • How can I stay in my home for as long as possible?
  • How can I make sure my spouse and kids don’t end up being responsible for sensitive personal tasks?

Start defusing potential disaster by getting answers to your questions after you read the material.  Call or email us to get your specific questions answered.



5) Unlock Your “Money Blocks”: How Women Can Break Through These 5 Barriers to Experience Financial Empowerment

Women face a very different relationship to finances, money, and investing than men do, because they often have different experiences with it. Women tend to view money not just as a means to an end but as a tool to improve lives, build communities, and create the life they want to live.

Unfortunately, most women (whether single or partnered, divorced or widowed, retired or still working) face internal “money blocks” that make them feel overwhelmed, unsure, and unheard.

I know that these internal “money blocks,” or scripts we tell ourselves are far more than internal programming. They are formed as a result of bad experiences with financial professionals, societal pressures, and even family situations. Many women even report feeling judged or not listened to by their financial professionals (which is downright unfair and disrespectful).

Overcome the 5 biggest “money blocks” that many women face, so you can finally experience confidence, clarity, and power in your financial life. You’ll find step-by-step instructions to do that inside this easy, 5-minute read:

  • Discover why women’s relationships to money are fundamentally different from men’s.
  • Learn how to overcome these 5 internal conflicts and finally feel empowered and in control.
  • Get clarity and confidence in your financial journey.

Start defusing potential disaster by getting answers to your questions after you read the material.  Call or email us to get your specific questions answered.

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