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“You thought you had years to go before retirement.” “The choices you make now set the stage for the next 30 years of your life.”  Many times our best set plans have been thrown a curve ball and force us to make decisions sometime years before we would like.

Possible scenarios:

  • You have been let go from your former employer.
  • You have been offered a tempting buyout but how will it affect your long term plans?
  • You loved your career for years until now.
  • You or your partner have health concerns.

You have a limited amount of time to make critical decisions that will affect your golden years, whether or not you’re leaving on your own terms. You can’t allow too much time to elapse while you consider your options, but you don’t want to leave out any critical factors from the analysis. You already know it’s important to determine whether your financial situation is stable enough to carry you and your family through retirement. But you don’t know what you don’t know.

Secure your financial prospects by calling in the bomb squad after reading the material. A retirement professional can assist you in making choices that are smart for today and tomorrow. Seeking advice gives you an opportunity to build a bomb shelter for your financial plan.

Start defusing potential disaster by getting answers to your questions after you read the material. Call or email us to get your specific questions answered.

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